Fungal nail treatment
Here we explain about fungal nail treatment, what it is, and what steps you can take to help resolve it
Tell me a bit more about fungal nail
Fungal nail can be quite common, and many people may develop it within their lifetime. Fungal nail isn't usually serious but can be unpleasant to look at and often difficult to treat.
Toenails are usually what is affected most often, but you can develop it in the hands too!
Who gets fungal nail infections?
Some people are more likely than others to get fungal nail infections, such as:
Those suffering with a nail injury,
Trauma to the nail,
Fungal infections in other parts of the body.
The medical name for a fungal nail infection is onychomycosis
How do I prevent infection?
Keep feet and hands clean and dry,
Avoid walking barefoot in communal areas such as gyms or pools,
Don't share nail clippers or nail scissors with others,
When visiting a salon, choose a salon that uses disposable brushes for nail painting [not those that uses the ones that come with the bottle].
What treatment options are available?
A number of options are available to help treat fungal nail conditions, you may have tried some, none or all of them. It may be better to book a consultation with our podiatrists to start a course of treatment for fungal nail.
Alternative methods you may have heard of:
Antifungal creams or sprays,
Oral tablets [although these can have side effects],
Nail softening creams.
We recommend the 'lacuna method'
What is the lacuna method?
The lacuna method involves the drilling of very small micro holes into the nail.
What is the idea behind this?
The idea is that this aids in the penetration of antifungal solutions, throughout the nail, as opposed to just on the surface. Essentially, clearing up infection sooner!
Who benefits from the lacuna method?
Those with mild to moderate fungal nail infections.
What are the symptoms of fungal nail?
Thickened nails,
Brittle nails,
Debris under the nail.
For more information, book a consultation with the podiatrist[s], links below:
Ways to pay for private foot care using the FOOT CARE group
Private foot care is much more affordable than you may think!
There are multiple ways you can pay for your foot care:
Pay in full with pay-as-you-go, use the book treatment page, over the telephone or in one of our clinics.
Sign up or enquire for the FOOT CARE Plus Rewards plan to cover the cost of treatment, spread out or as ongoing care for routine treatment.
Using your private medical insurance for pay-as-you-go or to cover your FOOT CARE Plus Rewards plan, such as Simplyhealth, Vitality or Health shield.
Using private medical insurance to pay for treatment
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